Home Meet The Team


The Doctors

  • Dr Terry L Crystal MBBS LRCP MRCS Dip. Sports Med.


  • Dr Jacqueline A Campbell MBChB MRCGP MFFPHRC

  • Dr Paul M Glynn MBChB MRCGP DRCOG

  • Dr Lucinda E Russell MBChB MRCGP

  • Dr Lesley Weiss MBChB MRCGP


  • Dr Angelo M Cacciato MDS

Practice Nurses

  • Linda Dobson

  • Susan Hopkins

  • Jennifer Hitchcock, our Health Care Support Worker

Services provided include injections, dressings, stitch removal, blood pressure, ECGs, blood tests, ear syringing, minor illnesses, baby clinics, well woman clinics (smears and swabs, contraceptive and HRT advice), childhood immunisations, travel advice, dietary advice, cryocautery (liquid nitrogen), smoking cessation, spirometry screening and chronic disease management clinics for asthma, COPD, coronary heart disease secondary prevention and diabetes.

Attached Clinical Staff

  • Addiction therapist: Works alongside our specialist GP to counsel and support patients with alcohol or drug addiction problems.

  • Counsellor: Provides short-term counselling therapy to patients with current distress, e.g. bereavement, relationships, anxiety and depression.

  • District nurses: Responsible for caring for patients in their own homes. Available 7 days a week providing assessment for all aspects of patient care.

  • Health visitor: Provides information, advice and support for individuals and families within the local community, with emphasis given to families with children of pre-school age. 

  • Midwife: Sees women once pregnancy is confirmed and provides ongoing antenatal care and support based on individual needs. Scans will be arranged at the hospital. In the postnatal period the midwife will visit at home for up to 28 days offering feeding support and early parenting advice.

  • Phlebotomist: A member of staff dedicated to the task of collecting blood samples for analysis.

  • Podiatry team: Footcare, nail surgery, biomechanics, orthotics and electrosurgery. Home visits are available to the housebound.

  • Psychiatrist: As part of the Sector 7 Community Mental Health Team, the psychiatrist holds surgeries in the practice premises to provide care for patients with severe long-term mental health problems.

  • Smoking cessation advisor: Offering treatment and support to patients who would like to stop smoking. Group sessions and 1-to-1 consultations are available at various times throughout the week.

Administration Staff

Our practice manager is responsible for managing the work of the clinical and non-clinical staff to ensure the quality of reception, clinical services and service delivery across the practice. Our reception manager/personal assistant ensures that the reception area runs smoothly and efficiently, including arranging adequate staff cover at all times. The post holder also assists the practice manager in the day to day running of the surgery and acts as support to the practice in her absence. The information technology manager is responsible for the smooth running of the EMIS medical system, including consistent data entry, audit and troubleshooting. In addition, the post holder acts as our Health and Safety Officer. There is also a full complement of administration and ancillary staff, including our reception team and cleaners.

Home Meet The Team

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Copyright © 2005 Lingwell Croft Surgery
Last modified: 06/07/05